Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Family Rules

I love my family; obviously more that I love my sanity.

My 10 year old nephew is visiting for the next couple weeks (sans parents).  I love him; he's a doll, and he's sooo my side of the family! Add him to the three 8 years old I already have and insanity ensues.  You see, my nephew is an only child~

My kids have shared everything since conception. They know the art of sharing. They know to enjoy what they have and what they are doing at any said time. They are not picky eaters.  We have a sign in our house that says, "Family Rules". And number 1 is share. If you're an only child sharing is a learned trait, not innate. And though my nephew is capable of sharing, every so often that only child syndrome comes out and he does not want the others touching his stuff. I respect that to an extent, but it's frustrating as I'm also dealing with a picky eater and a child who wants what he wants when he wants it. I'm not saying my children are perfect. There's always room to grow. But the next couple weeks are going to test my patience for sure; and my nephew is going to test our family rules.

But at the end of the day, I love my family, the insanity and all~

1 comment:

  1. Kids are different due to genetics and life experience. I think you will all learn and grow from this time together.
