Sunday, March 3, 2013

Updating Students

My husband just made a comment that inspired this morning's slice. 

He works in marketing for a local TV station.  They change software often; he just told me that they update and have to learn new software every 3 years or so.  He's in that transition right now and last time around, 3 years ago, I got to spend a long weekend with him in NYC while he was training. 

What does this have to do with me?  I feel like every year teachers are learning new acronyms for intervention with students, new curriculum, testing expectation, administrative expectations, new political changes, and the list goes on! Every year!! I am flexible, I can bend and adapt like the best of them.  But why is it that big businesses get three years to master their craft and of top of that they get training?  While educators, just as they're mastering their craft, are expected to change yet again. We're lucky to get a half day of PD (training) and then we're set to figure it out, differentiate, and leave no child behind. 

I think I'd like to update my students less often, so that they get a chance to master and perform what I'm asking them too.  And on top of that, I'd like to get some training in NYC.  :-)


  1. Love this! I was reading this morning, and your thoughts directly connect to this quote: "When introduced in te US as a "master teacher," Akihiko Takahashi commented that this phrase struck him as odd, since 'In Japan, we think of teaching as something that cannot be mastered.' " This refers to how teachers don't regard any lesson as a model or perfect specimen; all lessons can be improved. Maybe it's the money-driven big business interference in education that has tried to lessen our uniqueness vs. developing us as the best, most joyful, thoughtful, contributing lifelong learners that we can be.

  2. So, so, so true! Teaching is a craft, and we need time to practice and refine and reflect (and yes, it would be good to do it in NYC). I think we also need to build on the good stuff we are doing, and not totally switch everything every two or three years too! Thanks for these thoughts!

  3. I would love to have all the Slice of Lifer's find a way to meet somewhere. Maybe we all plan a great spring break trip or a summer writing camp!

  4. As I look at our PD schedule for tomorrow and know that the schedule--and topics planned was still changing on Friday I just shake my head. I think I'd pay THEM if they'd just let me work in my room for a day!
