Sunday, March 4, 2012

A First For Every Last

When you have kids, and people say "They grow up so fast", you don't really understand that until you're in the midst of it. 

Yesterday I cried at the dentist. My 7 year olds were able to go back with the dental hygenist unaccompanied. That I cried was ridiculous; that I told my husband they would be leaving for college soon was even more ridiculous. But what I gained from this experience, is that I won't take a minute for granted. I must say, I'm pretty good about cherishing all of their moments.  Someone introduced me to a book when the kids were just 2 and it was about never knowing when it might be the last time you change a diaper, or the last day you hold your baby for a bottle, or the last time your child holds your hand while crossing the street. You just never know when you'll experience "the last" moment. So at that time, I chose to enjoy every moment.  When my kids went for their annual cleaning without needing me by their side, I cried because I didn't know six months ago would be the last time they would need me next to them to answer questions about how often we floss and if they've experienced any pain with their teeth lately. They clearly can now answer those questions on their own.

I live less than an hour from Chardon, Ohio; the most recent victims of a school shooting. Being a teacher and a mom and being so close to the horrific tragedy has made me do a lot of reflecting this week.  Children do grow up fast. Too fast if you ask me.  I will cherish all their moments with them because you never know when it might be a last.


  1. My daughter just came home for spring break so I can surely agree with you that time flies. But when I look at the beautiful young woman she has become --tears of happiness flow and I am so proud of her!

  2. Tragedies make us want to hold our kids closer and never let go, but time passes and we loosen the grip just a bit. I understand your tears at the dentist.

  3. I so believe it! I can understand where you are coming from, as silly as it may seem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings - a great reminder for me!

    PS - I think I need the title of that book! :)

  4. Michelle~ The book is "Let Me Hold You Longer". I linked it in today's post. Thanks for your comments; it's nice to have someone who relates. :-)
