Monday, March 12, 2012

If Only It Really Was a Job Share...

Today I only worked a half day.  My son was still not well enough to go to school and my husband could be home in the morning with him but not in the afternoon.  We split the day because I had to teach two classes and coach in a third, all in the first four periods of the day so I could be home in the afternoon but not the morning.  Therefore, my husband and I job shared today.  I'm finding myself feeling relaxed and rested at 7:00 at night where on "normal" days I'm just an hour away from crashing.  I love this idea of job sharing!

When my kids were nine months old, and I was going back to work, a coworker and I applied for a job share. We had the perfect arrangement at a cost savings to the district, but we were denied because it just wasn't something my district wanted to get in the habit of approving; even though it was and still is in the contract.  Fortunatley I had family who watched the kids so I was able to go back to work full time without the stress of having my babies in a daycare full time. Was it ideal, no. But I love teaching so having to leave them to return to work was actually OK.

Fast forward seven years. The kids are in first grade; three different classrooms.  Each is having a unique experience with their teacher. Althought the teachers share a curriculum, they certainly do not share personalities. Of the three classes, and I should add here that my kids have 29-31 kids with one teacher, the child with the teachers who are job sharing is having the best first grade experience. He has one teacher in the morning and another one after lunch.  These teachers are vibrant and energetic throughout their whole time in the classroom! They'll tell you that they come in relaxed, never worry about getting subs or having to find childcare for their sick children, and their workload is bearable.  They do a great job communicating with eachother and the parents.  It's the dream situation!

Imagine the world if everyone who wanted to, and was able to, could job share.  There would be a whole less stress and a far more relaxed society.  Europe has siestas; America needs job shares.


  1. As I get nearer retirement age the idea of job share gets more and more attractive. Just think half a day at home and half a day at school! I would love to try it. 10 or 15 years ago there were some job shares in my school system. Then we got a superintendent who felt they were not a good choice for the school budget.

  2. I have always been fascinated with the job share concept. It does seem to be a nice alternative for those debating between being a stay at home mom and wanting to continue teaching.

  3. That would be my dream too! Never thought of it from the students' perspective though - a fresh new teacher in the morning and afternoon. So true!
